Suggest LYNX features and functionality!

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We're happy to provide this tool for you to enter your suggestions about Series25 applications and vote on your favorites submitted by other users. Please note that while high vote counts help guide our development priorities, they are not an automatic guarantee that any specific feature will be developed next.

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New suggestions and comments must be approved by CollegeNET before becoming publicly visible, and similar suggestions may be merged. Please keep comments on topic.

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Identify and flag events with standard or nonstandard meeting patterns

Use LYNX to determine when a section has meeting patterns that appear on a standard list of time blocks, and add a category or custom attribute so they can be easily ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 26 Feb Comments: 4
Under consideration Imported data

Discrepancy check for location assignments in SIS and 25Live

Add a report to check whether the same location is assigned in the SIS and in 25Live.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 03 Apr Comments: 4
Under consideration Import/export messages

Copy configuration settings and translation rules between prod and test

The ability to sync configuration settings between prod and test would be useful for anyone who is experimenting with broad changes to their configuration.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 18 Apr Comments: 2
Under consideration Configuration

Update locations with SIS data

When location data changes in the SIS, update the 25Live location record. Fields to update: -Name -Description (formal name) -Capacity
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (03 Mar, '20) Upvoted: 11 Oct, '23 Comments: 1

Export and import exam creation rules

Allow users to add exam creation rules by importing from a spreadsheet/CSV file, and export them in the same format.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 09 Apr Comments: 1
Under consideration Exams

Email system notification for APP NOT RUNNING

If the local java app is not running for an extended period of time, send a system email notification.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 05 Mar Comments: 3
Under consideration Email System management

Flag events that have been bumped by Academic Priority

If an event loses its location due to being bumped by an imported class, add a custom attribute or category so that it can be easily searched.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 09 Apr Comments: 2
Under consideration Imported data

Apply Smart Binding Rules to Headcount Summing

Smart Binding is a concept in LYNX that ensures that only crosslisted sections that have overlapping times and the same location assignment (or lack of a location ...
Suggested by: Maggie (29 Aug, '23) Upvoted: 26 Feb Comments: 1
Under consideration **

Exam Creation > Exclude CRN: We'd like to be able to upload a large number of CRNs to exclude.

A large number of CRNs need to be excluded from our Banner final exam creation process and it is impractical to enter them individually by hand.
Suggested by: Tammy (05 Nov, '21) Upvoted: 20 Mar Comments: 3
Under consideration Exams

Export bound groups of sections as CSV file

It would make it easier to keep test and prod the same if it was possible to export a list of bound groups from one instance and import it to another.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (27 Apr, '20) Upvoted: 26 Feb Comments: 0

Download results of extract sets as spreadsheet

Provide a way to review all sections that meet extract set criteria in spreadsheet format.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 09 Apr Comments: 1
Under consideration Extract sets

Report that shows which sections have exams and which don't

Useful for double-checking a full term's exam schedule
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 03 Apr Comments: 3
Under consideration Exams

Banner - translate room code + building code into location name

Banner translates just the building code and combines it with room code currently; would like to translate the combination of building and room code into location name.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 11 Oct, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration Configuration Imported data

Delete all sections in an extract set

Sometimes you just need to blow everything up. Add a "delete all" button when reviewing an extract set that will remove all matching events from 25Live.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 13 Sep, '23 Comments: 2
Under consideration Extract sets Imported data

Combined Section Handling - Define Primary in Bound Set from SIS (Campus Solutions)

Use a field defined in the SIS to determine which course in a bound set is primary.
Suggested by: Amanda Barnes (24 Sep, '20) Upvoted: 12 Apr, '23 Comments: 7

Force an update for a single section

Simulate a "null update" in the SIS by reimporting a section on command.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 11 Jan, '23 Comments: 0
Planned Imported data

Exam Creation – Add Earliest Session Creation Option for Banner Schools

The Lynx exams creation process is problematic for us as we have many, many MMPs and BGs. This is because the secondary meeting patterns are also assigned exam rooms ...
Suggested by: Tammy Miller (06 May, '21) Upvoted: 15 Nov, '23 Comments: 7
Under consideration

Do not override blackouts on import

If a location has blackout dates, do not assign classes during that time.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 03 Apr Comments: 1
Under consideration ** Imported data

Crosslisted Section Handling - Define Primary in Bound Set from SIS (Banner)

Use a field defined in the SIS to determine which course in a bound set is primary.
Suggested by: Amanda Barnes (24 Sep, '20) Upvoted: 17 Dec, '21 Comments: 0
Under consideration ** Imported data

More Blatantly Differentiate Production LYNX from Test LYNX

I would like the differentiation displayed on the lynx settings/config page. Right now I have to make sure the "t" is in the address.
Suggested by: Jill Petronio (14 Sep, '21) Upvoted: 16 Apr Comments: 6
Under consideration Configuration

Import All Button on Bound groups/Overlapping/Back to back bindings

An import all button on the LYNX binding pages would be helpful so that instead of having to import them one by one or reimport the entire semester extract set, you ...
Suggested by: Jennifer Clifton (15 Aug, '23) Upvoted: 20 Sep, '23 Comments: 5
Under consideration Bound/crosslisted/combined

Duplicative Final Exam Event Import-Combined Sections

Adjust the way final exam events are generated upon import for combined sections such that there is only one final exam event per associated class section. Currently ...
Suggested by: Amanda Barnes (27 Apr, '21) Upvoted: 05 Dec, '23 Comments: 5
Under consideration Exams

Add date exceptions to multiple extract sets at once

Make it easier to add duplicate date exceptions to multiple extract sets rather than having to recreate each one from scratch.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 10 Oct, '23 Comments: 4
Under consideration Configuration Extract sets

Distinguish between prod and test in emails

For import warning emails and academic priority emails, indicate whether the change happened in a prod or test instance.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 17 Nov, '23 Comments: 2

More filtering options for import/export messages

Allow users to filter import/export messages by campus code, subject code, and other criteria available when creating extract sets. Also allow filtering by type of ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 17 Nov, '23 Comments: 2
Under consideration Import/export messages

Email requestor when academic priority bumps an event

There is an academic priority setting to email the scheduler when an event is bumped, but we should also have an option to email the requestor as well (or instead).
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 05 Oct, '23 Comments: 3
Under consideration Email Import/export messages

Define locations to be ignored during back to back binding

Currently, you are only able to exclude all sections with location preassigments when creating your back to back biding criteria. It would be helpful for customers ...
Suggested by: Don Dumont (27 Feb, '23) Upvoted: 13 Nov, '23 Comments: 2
Under consideration Bound/crosslisted/combined

Send a system notification email when patch updates are available

Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 23 Jun, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Email System management

Target import message emails by user

Send import message emails to specific users based on campus or other section characteristics.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 31 Jan Comments: 3
Under consideration ** Email Import/export messages

Create organizations if subject/department code is unknown

Similar to creating contacts, add a new organization to 25Live if subject code is not recognized.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 11 Oct, '23 Comments: 1
Planned Imported data

Use exclusion dates from SIS for date exceptions

The SIS can define holidays and other exclusion dates. Use those in addition to setting date exceptions in LYNX.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 28 Feb, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Configuration

Specify date range for exceptions instead of individual dates

It is time-consuming to enter each date individually when adding exceptions to an extract set for a long break.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 14 Sep, '21 Comments: 0
Under consideration Configuration Extract sets

Include meeting pattern ID in reservation name

When TCS imported classes, it included the meeting pattern ID in the reservation name as shown in the screenshot.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (24 Jan, '20) Upvoted: 17 Nov, '23 Comments: 4
Under consideration Imported data

Add text description to imported classes

Use a field in the SIS to populate the event description of a class in 25Live with informational text. Banner - SCBDESC_TEXT_NARRATIVE Other SIS types in comments.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (28 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 03 Oct, '23 Comments: 3
Under consideration Imported data

Export Translation Tables

Allow users to export translation tables to make them easier to review and send to other departments to review.
Suggested by: Maggie (21 Jun, '21) Upvoted: 17 Nov, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration System management

Create notification tasks for requestor and scheduler when an event is bumped for academic priority

There should be an option to have a Notification Task created to the Scheduler and Requestor on the event when it is unassigned due to an academic priority import.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (26 Aug, '20) Upvoted: 11 Oct, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration Imported data

Email notifications for export errors

Add email options for users to receive warnings when there are errors exporting locations back to the SIS, just like on import.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (04 Dec, '19) Upvoted: 25 Apr, '23 Comments: 2
Under consideration Email Import/export messages

Specify Which Types of Warnings/Errors Generate 25Live Import Email Notifications

Currently, users can choose between receiving import email notifications for: - sections with errors - sections with errors and warnings - all sections This ...
Suggested by: Maggie (19 Jan, '21) Upvoted: 25 Apr, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration Email

Banner - send final exam data back to SIS

When a final exam is created, send that data back to the SIS.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 11 Oct, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration Exams

Prevent certain meeting pattern types from importing

If a class has multiple meeting patterns, sometimes one is off-campus or online and should not be imported. Request to filter those out by meeting pattern type.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 10 Sep, '21 Comments: 1
Under consideration Configuration Imported data

Define instructors to be ignored during back-to-back binding

Sometimes a class has the equivalent of "Faculty TBA" in the SIS, which counts as an instructor record in LYNX. There should be a way to exclude these bogus ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (28 Feb, '20) Upvoted: 09 Feb Comments: 0
Under consideration Bound/crosslisted/combined

Filter extract sets by credit hours

Let extract sets filter sections according to credit hours (less than, greater than, equal to).
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 11 Jan, '22 Comments: 0
Under consideration Extract sets

Allow bindings between LYNX classes and other events

Allow users to create bound relationships between events and classes without having them removed when LYNX updates.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 22 Jun, '23 Comments: 3
Under consideration Bound/crosslisted/combined

Allow Crosslisted/Combined Sections with Different Locations

Add a way to automatically relate crosslisted/combined sections that take place in different locations (e.g., a configuration setting that allows for crosslisted ...
Suggested by: Maggie (28 Mar, '22) Upvoted: 15 Jul, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration Bound/crosslisted/combined

Show conflicts in rooms instead of getting bumped to unnassigned

I work with Ellucian Colleague with LYNX/25live, and one of the most time consuming aspects that I currently experience is that I have pull multiple reports from both ...
Suggested by: Sarah (28 Jan, '22) Upvoted: 19 Dec, '22 Comments: 1
Under consideration Import/export messages

Rename custom attributes for SIS data

The default names for custom attributes imported with section data are not always meaningful to users since they use the generic names adapted to LYNX and not the ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (26 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 14 Sep, '21 Comments: 1
Under consideration Imported data

Import non-class events from SIS

Some SIS types allow scheduling for non-academic events. Import those too.
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 22 Jun, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration Imported data

Add feature preferences to imported classes based on instructor/org

Add a translation table where users can associate certain features or partitions with instructors and subject codes, and have those automatically added. Use case: ...
Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) (25 Nov, '19) Upvoted: 14 Sep, '21 Comments: 0
Under consideration Imported data

Setting to Automatically Bind MMPs

If there was a way in Lynx to automatically bind the MMPS of all sections in an extract and then manually unbind the handful of ones we didn't want bound, that would ...
Suggested by: Emily Bell (08 Dec, '20) Upvoted: 07 Dec, '23 Comments: 4
Under consideration Bound/crosslisted/combined

Workday - Import "Workday ID" for Locations as an SIS Custom Attribute

Currently, there is no way to import the Workday ID for locations into 25Live. This Feature Request is to optionally be able to import this field as an SIS Custom ...
Suggested by: Maggie (19 May, '23) Upvoted: 25 May, '23 Comments: 0
Under consideration ** Imported data