Show conflicts in rooms instead of getting bumped to unnassigned

6 votes

I work with Ellucian Colleague with LYNX/25live, and one of the most time consuming aspects that I currently experience is that I have pull multiple reports from both colleague and 25live in effort to make sure I catch all of the double bookings that occur from the individuals scheduling their academic areas. We have several people who enter data into colleague and assigned rooms, but they do not use 25live, which creates a lot of time spent from my position mainly combing through each room in both systems in efforts to catch these double bookings. It would be life changing if 25live show all of the conflicts from colleague in 25live instead of just bumping all but one of those conflicts to unassigned.

Under consideration Import/export messages Suggested by: Sarah Upvoted: 19 Dec, '22 Comments: 1

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