Exam Creation – Add Earliest Session Creation Option for Banner Schools

14 votes

The Lynx exams creation process is problematic for us as we have many, many MMPs and BGs. This is because the secondary meeting patterns are also assigned exam rooms and do not need them. For example, MMP sections with two meeting patterns where the primary is the lecture and the secondary is the lab, where the lab is assigned an exam and does not offer an exam.

This process requires us to remove the extra exam room assignments by hand, to avoid confusion, and to ensure that rooms are available for the primary lectures in all time blocks.

What seems as though it would work for us is if the Lynx Banner had an option to Limit Exams for Multiple Meeting Patterns as is given to Colleague and Universal schools to create exams for the earliest session.

Under consideration Suggested by: Tammy Miller Upvoted: 15 Nov, '23 Comments: 7

Comments: 7